Week 6 - Remember and Commemorate Jesus
Luke 22:14-20 & 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
Share a meal, a refreshment, a story from this week, or an answer to prayer. How has everyone’s personal relationship with God been? If anyone is struggling, pray for him/her, and stay after to care for that person.
Check-up (never skip)
How have you obeyed what you have learned?
Who have you trained in what you have learned?
With whom have you shared your story or God’s story?
Share a story from the Bible, a personal story, an inspiring slogan or song to encourage one another to share Jesus with others, to start new groups, and to help others do the same. You can use one of the following Bible passages to get started: Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:1-11, Acts 1:8, Luke 19:1-10, Matthew 13:1-23
Talk with God simply and briefly.
Read: Luke 22:14-20 & 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
Read this weeks passage and discuss the following questions:
1. What did you like about this passage?
2. What did you find challenging or hard to understand about this passage?
Read this weeks passage again and discuss the following questions:
3. What can we learn about people from this passage?
4. What can we learn about God from this passage?
Write the commitments down...
OBEY - SHARE (never skip)
Have everyone in the group pray for the spirit to show them how to answer these questions, then make commitments. Write the commitments down.
5. How will I apply and obey this passage?
6. Who will I share this passage with?
7. Who does God want me to share my story [testimony] and/or God’s story with this week?
PRACTICE (never skip)
In groups of two or three, practice what you have committed to do in question 5 or 6. For example, role- play a difficult conversation or facing a temptation; practice teaching today’s passage, or practice sharing the Gospel.
In the same groups of two or three, pray for every member individually. Ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus this week. Ask Him to give you the strength to be obedient to your commitments.
Talk with God
In the same groups of two or three, pray for every member individually. Ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus this week. Ask Him to give you the strength to be obedient to your commitments.